A private mentorship to help you quit, leave with grace, take a sabbatical, or plan anything else. Make your ending matter and reinvent your life and career.

How good of a quitter are you?

That's probably a question you've never been asked before.

Because there's no award for quitting things in this world.

Quitting may as well be a synonym for Failing.

…But what if it's actually the biggest win of your life?

We're taught to value grit and resilience and to fight in the face of adversity.

We're told that it's more honourable to hold on than to let go.

And, to what end?

We're told not to leave good things, to just be grateful for what we've got.

We're worried about being so selfish or irresponsible to consider something else for our lives, like:

taking a break from routine, going on retreat, making art, pursuing a project, seeing the world, spending time with family,
exploring creativity, healing.

In a world of quiet quitting, the real flex is knowing you can quit WELL

and move on gracefully.
with dignity.
with conviction.

Because the other option? Well, you may already be familiar with it…

On any given day, you catch yourself:

● silently and slowly giving up on your whispers instead of giving in to them

● feeling full of potential, but filled with resentment

● disconnected from your creativity

● exhausting yourself in the name of "working hard and being successful"

● staying put where you are because of "a great team of people you don't want to walk away from"

● still wondering to yourself "is this really all there is?"

...What if you could intentionally move forward to a kind of life where your heart feels full and your spirit comes alive?


✔︎ feel in integrity with yourself, your heart, and the intended next direction for your career

✔︎ feel more energized, connected, and inspired by your life

✔︎ gracefully close out this chapter of your work

✔︎ lower your stress levels, and increase your ability to recover from burnout

✔︎ give yourself the opportunity to pursue other interests, creative pursuits, and life activities that enhance your well-being

✔︎ connect to yourself with true self-care and self-love

✔︎ stop compartmentalizing and negotiating who you are and start bringing your whole, authentic self to achieving your dreams and desires

✔︎ have more clarity and trust about life’s unknowns

✔︎ may find yourself quitting your job and following your dreams

If you look closely enough,
your dissatisfaction could be the inspiration
you are looking for.


  • Identify the outdated career ideas that restrict you from making honest change. Activate your curiosity, courage, and creativity to create a new life & career vision and bring it to life.

  • Overcome them through data-gathering and planning tools that provide you an honest, doable direction forward without compromising on your values and priorities.

  • Plan for what to expect, say, and do in the process of informing others (colleagues, family, boss, etc) of your decision. Second-guessing and self-doubt is normal and it's easy to be influenced by other people's fears. Learn how to stay in integrity throughout the transition.

  • Brainstorm how to optimize for leaving everything and everyone better than how you found them. Wherever you can, go with grace.

6 weeks in 6 x 90-minute private sessions.


I'm Gloria, and I've quit big roles, great teams, and life-affirming work over the course of my career.

In 2016, I quit my career track with no set plan, taking a 10-month career pause that ultimately propelled me into the creative life and work I have today.

I was inspired to uncover the answer to the question that gnawed at my high-achieving, success-oriented psyche: "Who am I without my work?"

Some parts of the process were painful. Most parts were truly liberating. The decision to quit was always in service of becoming more myself, accessing more of my creative potential, and listening to what life was wanting for me next.

But there's no prescribed career track for that. So I made it up.

I've created the kind of mentorship I wish I had when I was contemplating and preparing to quit my roles and pursue what was next.

Now, I help leaders of all kinds navigate the pains of growth and transitions, access their creative abilities, and become who they need to be to carry out their unique roles in life and career.

I write, dance, work, play, and live a life more and more true to my nature.

And I want the same for you.