Many times, I've wandered through the creative wilderness feeling aimless, doubtful, and unfocused. My daydreams filled with questions like:

“I have this idea that keeps calling to me. It’s exciting but overwhelming and I don’t know how to start.”

“Can I really make a life out of my art?”

“What if I can’t handle all the details?”

"Can I really get paid for something that feels fun and natural to do?”


The questioning is a necessary stage in Becoming More You. And the process of Becoming More You is only achieved by allowing yourself to creatively express. And to creatively express requires...


The cycle goes 'round and 'round. There's no other way to it.

I know that might be a hard pill to swallow. After all, we've been confronted in the last 2+ years with the truth that Life is inherently and naturally uncertain, and we've been trying to come to terms with it, haven't we? And, safe to say, it's been mostly unpleasant to reckon with.

But not everything about uncertainty is disastrous.


Uncertainty means you can:

  • learn something new

  • explore multiple ideas at once

  • solve a problem in the world

  • fall in love

  • gain maturity and wisdom

  • feel more feelings

  • access courage

  • connect with your intuition

  • have surprising moments that delight you

  • not know something and then get to figure it out

  • make something that you've never made before

  • do something that's never been done before

Are you willing to experience uncertainty so that you may have all of the above and more?

Can you allow yourself to not know for sure?

....Because your creativity requires it. It's the only way.

Usually, your sabotaging, censoring, critical parts that need to feel certain about literally everything automatically overpower your creative spirit that is craving to do something through you.

My job is to set you up in the best frame of mind so that your creativity knows it is welcomed by you.

Your Creativity wants to surprise you and play with you!

Will you climb the monkey bars together?
Touch your feet to the sky on the swings side-by-side?
Zip down the slide embracing each other?
Ride the merry-go-round?
Crawl through yellow tubes?

Who knows.

But that's the point of uncertainty. You'll find your answer when you engage with it.

And along the way, there is one thing you can be sure of:

The result = your Creativity, Unleashed.
